
Heart Centered Principles

We believe that young children require a gentle nurturing care approach. A stimulating environment in the presence of responsive care givers lays a strong foundation for learning and development and helps each child blossom to his maximum potential.

Guiding principles:

  • Every child is capable of learning regardless of the circumstances of birth or background.
    Each child is UNIQUE and grows, learns, and develops at his own pace.
    Children are natural researchers with great observational skills. They are constructors of their own learning experiences and express feelings and ideas through different representations.
  • Children are social beings; they learn through observation, imitation, and collaboration. Children learn through concrete experiences, using their senses and acting upon the environment.
    Children’s experiences and ways of learning must be acknowledged Children learn best when they are respected, valued and fully involved in the learning process.
    Play and active participation are the primary ways of learning and development with continuous opportunities for children to experience, explore and experiment with the environment

Our Pedagogical Approach